Nipissing University

Trip Preparedness

Mitigate risk & liability while adventuring!

There are all kinds of trips: community trips, near and afar; day and overnight, sporting events, school clubs and extracurricular activities! Trips can be for yourself, your family, or for students participating through school or other educational institutions/organizations! 

Regardless of the type of trip you are planning, it is imperative to plan appropriately and always ensure safety first! Trip Preparedness is a responsible, digital information plan that packages the five W’s of a trip: who, what, why, where and when. It addresses risk/mitigation identification in a comprehensive format that can be shared to enhance safety while managing liability.  If you plan trips of any nature, or simply want this skill to enhance your own professional/personal portfolio this micro-credential professional development opportunity will provide you with the necessary skills to execute a plan accurately with confidence while being guided by a seasoned professional. 

Self-paced learning

Group rates available


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